

This song “My Class Will Go On” with the original lyric edited by Netizens deeply reflects what we feel about our zoom lectures.

(1) My teaching motto is that “A good teacher is like a candle – it consumes itself to light the way for others.” I am strongly committed to teaching and put my time and effort into all my students. I have always considered teaching to be more a dialogue between teacher and students than a transmission of ideas from a powerful source to powerless receivers. Thus, students are always encouraged to actively participate in the class as part of their learning process. I encourage my students to answer my questions by telling them that “people do learn from mistakes”. If they give a wrong answer, I will simply say “good guess”. As a result, they do not feel embarrassed by giving a wrong answer.
(2) I am sure that well-prepared course materials and a sincere relationship with students both inside and outside the classroom are important in effective communication. It is important to prepare a good set of lecture notes and other reading materials for mediocre and passive students. This is because the mediocre students may not be able to follow the lecture. I also spend lots of time on setting good tutorial questions, which help students understand the lecture materials.
(3) Using student-centered approach in teaching, showing respect and consideration to students, and developing students’ analytical and critical thinking skills are the most important elements for the promotion of student learning. Besides, encouragement from a teacher is absolutely necessary for students who do not perform well at the earlier time. A few supportive words from our inner heart can make a substantial difference in the learning process of students.
(4) To be a good teacher, I always remind myself that a heart of understanding, enthusiasm, patience, and kindness for students are of paramount importance. Extra patience must be given to students because different levels of student ability varying from mediocre to top-notch could exist in a large class. I have to put myself into the students’ position, try to understand how they think, and be able to teach according to their level of understanding. I believe these components are part of my strengths. I also believe teaching should be done in such a way as to inspire enthusiasm for the subject matter among students.
(5) In the first 2-3 weeks of every new semester, I keep asking my students about the style and pace of my teaching. By doing this, I can modify and make appropriate adjustment for my teaching rather than waiting for the teaching evaluation results at the end of the semester. This kind of continuous assessment of student learning is necessary because the intake quality of students changes every year and thus their learning ability. We therefore should make the corresponding changes to suit their needs. In addition to verbal feedback, I also treat the teaching evaluation conducted by university at the end of each semester seriously. The main purpose of getting feedback is to improve the teaching quality.
(6) Teaching is a life-long learning process. No one can demonstrate effective teaching if he/she does not observe someone else’s teaching style and learn from others. In the past years, I have attended the classes of our colleagues and innovative teaching seminars offered by university. From their classes, I get more insights and skills in delivering a good lecture.
(7) Teaching in university should not be restricted to professional knowledge transfer. Providing spiritual support and enlightenment to my research graduate students for their future career and personal development are my highest vision to be a university professor. They not only need my technical advice but very often they need my understanding and sharing when they are ups and downs. These research students are our tomorrow’s professors and professionals in our society. Their success is indeed my success.
Current Status of Former PhD/MPhil Students and Post-doctoral Fellows

Name of Former Students/Post-doc Fellows |
Name of University/Company |
Dr. ZHANG Jianhong |
Professor, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, China |
Dr. HU Liming |
Professor, Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, China |
Dr. WANG Peng, Peter |
Professor, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University, China |
Dr. RAO Pinhua, Paul |
Dean, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Shanghai Univeristy of Engineering Science, China |
Dr. YIN Ke, Ken |
Professor, Nanjing Forestry University, China |
Dr. ZHENG Guanyu, Gordon |
Professor, College of Resource and Environmental Science, Nanjing Agricultural University, China |
Dr. XIA Deihua, Dennis |
Professor, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University, China |
Dr. ZHOU Wenwen, Shelley |
Adjunct Professor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Head of Sustainability, Hang Seng Bank
Dr. TSANG Chiu Wa, Daniel |
Professor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |
Dr. ZHANG Weihua, Winnie |
Professor, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University, China |
Dr. NG Tsun Wai, Kelvin |
Professor, Environmental Systems Engineering, University of Regina, Canada |
Dr. LIU Tongzhou, Tony |
Associate Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen Graduate School, China |
Dr. YAN Yuk Shing, Dickson |
Associate Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology, Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong |
Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Engineering, Khon Kaen University, Thailand |
Dr. DONG Haoran, Harry |
Professor, Director of Environmental Science, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Hunan University, China |
Dr. ZHANG Zhen, Simon |
Associate Professor, College of Natural Resources and Environment, South China Agricultural University, China |
Dr. LAI Chun Kit, Keith |
Senior Environmental Protection Officer, Environmental Protection Department, HKSAR |
Dr. HU Jing, Dreher |
Senior Technical Manager for Wastewater in Badische Anilin-und-Soda-Fabrik (BASF), Germany |
Dr. FANG Liping |
Professor, Faculty of Material Sciences and Chemistry, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), China |
Dr. GAN Jielong, Vincent (Co-supervised with Jack CHENG) |
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore |
Dr. WOON Koksin, Vincent |
Former Associate Professor, Department of New Energy Science and Engineering, Xiamen University Malaysia;
Assistant Professor, Carbon Neutral and Climate Change Trust, HKUST (GZ) |
Dr. YIP Chi Man, Theo |
CEO, Environmental Analysis Laboratory Limited, Jiangsu, Nanjing |
Dr. Kishore SRIDHARAN |
UGC-Assistant Professor, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences, University of Calicut, India |
Dr. XIONG Kun |
Associate Professor, State Key Laboratory of Environmental-Friendly Energy Materials, Southwest University of Science and Technology, China |
Dr. WAN Jun |
Professor, School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Wuhan Textile University, China |
Dr. LAN Shenyu, Sharon |
Associate Professor, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China |
Dr. ZENG Xiangkang |
ARC DECRA Fellow, School of Chemical Engineering, The University of Queensland, Australia |
Dr. ZHANG Weilan |
Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental & Sustainable Engineering, State University of New York at Albany, America |
Dr. Rayees Ahmad RATHER |
Research Specialist, Department of Environmental Engineering, San Diego State University, San Diego, America |
Dr. Md Uzzal HOSSAIN (co-supervised with Prof. C.S. Poon of HK PolyU) |
Assistant Professor, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, State University of New York, America |
Dr. ZHANG Yanyang |
Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Engineering, Nanjing University, China |
Dr. Ashutosh KUMAR |
Assistant Professor, School of Energy and Environment, Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, India |
Dr. Musharib KHAN |
Assistant Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, National University of Sciences and Technology, Pakistan |
Dr. WU Baile, Barry |
Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences, University College Cork, Ireland |
Dr. HE Juhua, Andy |
Distinguished Researcher, Department of Environmental Engineering, Foshan University, China |
Dr. DONG Chencheng, July |
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong |
Dr. Ahmed SAEED |
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, The University of Lahore |
Dr. BADSHA Mohammad Abu Hashnat |
Lecturer, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, America |
Dr. ZHENG Zexiao, Timmy |
Research Assistant Professor, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong |
LUK Fong Tin, Alex |
Senior Transport Officer, Transport Department, HKSARG |
LAM Sze Chun, Chester |
Engineer, Arcadis Design & Engineering Ltd. |
Dr. MAK Sze Ho, Mark |
Specialist, Environmental Protection Department, HKSAR |
Dr. TANG Chuk Nam, Samuel |
Research Manager, Ove Arup, Hong Kong |
ZHANG Jingliang, Judy (co-supervised with Jack CHENG) |
Assistant Engineer, AECOM Asia Company Ltd |
Dr. CHIU Lok Hin, Sam |
Specialist, Environmental Protection Department, HKSAR |
FUNG Sau Long, Christopher |
Graduate Engineer, Environmental Protection Department, HKSAR |
YU Zhigang |
PhD student, The University of Queensland, Australia |
MPhil and PhD Research Students Supervision (Completed/Graduated)

Student name |
Research title |
Degree |
Start Date |
Completion Date |
ZHANG Zuyao, Albert |
Visible-light-driven photoelectrocatalytic degradation of PPCPs with activated peroxymonosulfate by MoS2 loaded on carbon cloth |
MPhil |
Sep 2020 |
Jan 2024 |
CHAN Wang Hin, Oscar |
Machine Learning-Based Freshwater Algae Classification and Algae Detection System for Limited and Imbalanced Datasets |
MPhil |
Sep 20201 |
Aug 2023 |
FUNG Siu Bong, Benjamin |
A Web-based Freshwater Algae Detection System with Object Detection Neural Network Using GAN-based Data Augmentation |
MPhil |
Sep 2021 |
Aug 2023 |
ZHENG Zexiao, Timmy |
Multifunctional photoelectrochemical system for coupled sewage treatment and hydrogen evolution |
PhD |
Sep 2019 |
Jan 2023 |
TEE Aaron, Kendric |
Development of lanthanum carbonate-loaded ion exchange resin for phosphate removal |
MPhil |
Sep 2019 |
Apr 2022 |
BADSHA, Mohammad Abu Hashnat |
Development of a Novel Anionic Magnetic Hydrogel to Remove Cationic Ions of Heavy Metals from Aqueous Solution |
PhD |
Sep 2017 |
Aug 2021 |
HE Juhua |
Simultaneous Endocrine Disruptor Photodegradation and Sewage Disinfection using Magnetically Separable Photocatalysts Activated by Visible Light |
PhD |
Sep 2016 |
Dec 2020 |
WU Baile |
Selective Phosphate Removal from Water and Wastewater using Metal-based Nanoparticles: Process Fundamentals and Removal Mechanisms |
PhD |
Sep 2015 |
Dec 2019 |
Musharib KHAN |
Bismuth Oxyhalide-based Photocatalysts for Visible-light-driven Photocatalytic Degradation of PPCPs in Water: Removal Mechanisms, Property-performance Relationships, and Practical Applicability |
PhD |
Feb 2016 |
Dec 2019 |
Ashutosh KUMAR |
Enhanced Photocatalysis of PPCPs by Magnetically Recyclable TiO2-based Nanophotocatalysts: Non-metal Doping and Heterojunctions Developments |
PhD |
Sep 2015 |
Dec 2019 |
CHIU Lok Hin, Sam |
Evaluation of Environmental and Biogas Production Performance for Sewage Sludge and Food Waste Treatment by Life Cycle Assessment with Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis |
PhD |
Sep 2014 |
Aug 2017 |
Md. Uzzal HOSSAIN (co-supervised with Prof. C.S. Poon of HK PolyU) |
Life Cycle Assessment of Recycled Construction Materials: Methodology Framework Development and Results Evaluation |
PhD |
Sep 2014 |
Jul 2017 |
GAN Jielong, Vincent (Co-supervised with Jack CHENG) |
Development of Approaches to Reduction in Embodied Carbon of Buildings: From Construction Materials to Alternative Building Structural Forms |
PhD |
Sep 2012 |
Aug 2016 |
Visanu TANBOONCHUY (exchange student from Thailand) |
PAHs and Metals Removal from Field-Contaminated Sediment Using Activated Persulfate Oxidation Coupled with Chemical-Enhanced Washing |
PhD |
Sep 2014 |
Aug 2015 |
WOON Kok Sin, Vincent |
Sustainability Evaluation of Municipal Solid Waste Management Options in Hong Kong using Comparative Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Costing |
PhD |
Sep 2011 |
Aug 2015 |
ZHANG Zhen, Simon |
Bioremediation of Contaminated River Sediment |
PhD |
Sep 2011 |
May 2015 |
DONG Haoran, Harry |
Fate and Transport of Nano Zero-Valent Iron (NZVI) in Subsurface Porous Media during Groundwater Remediation |
PhD |
Feb 2011 |
Aug 2013 |
TANG Cheuk Nam, Samuel |
Chromium(VI) Removal by Magnetic Hydrogel |
PhD |
Sep 2009 |
Aug 2013 |
YAN Yuk Shing, Dickson |
Removal of Heavy Metals and PAH from Contaminated Soil by Chemical Enhanced Soil Flushing/Washing and Advanced Oxidation Processes |
PhD |
Sep 2009 |
May 2013 |
MAK Sze Ho, Mark |
Effects of Humic Acid on Arsenic Removal by Permeable Reactive Barriers under Varying Geochemical Conditions |
PhD |
Sep 2008 |
Aug 2011 |
YIP Chi Man, Theo |
EDDS Extraction of Heavy Metals in Soils: Sequential Extraction, Transport Modeling, Kinetics. |
PhD |
Sep 2007 |
Aug 2010 |
LIU Tongzhou, Tony |
Removal of Chromium(VI) and Arsenic(V) by Zero-Valent Iron from Humic Acid-Rich Groundwater with Various Geochemical Constituents |
PhD |
Sep 2005 |
Jun 2009 |
NG Tsun Wai, Kelvin |
Innovative Dvelopment of Landfill Daily Cover using Paper Sludge and Tire Chips: Mechanical Properties, and Pollutant Adsorption & Transport |
PhD |
Sep 2004 |
Aug 2008 |
ZHANG Weihua |
Chemical-enhanced Washing for Remediation of Petrochemical Hydrocarbons Contaminated Soils |
PhD |
Feb 2003 |
Aug 2006 |
TSANG Chiu Wa, Daniel |
Non-equilibrium Transport of Heavy Metals in Soils and Its influence on Soil Remediation |
PhD |
Sep 2003 |
Aug 2006 |
HU Jing, Dreher |
Removal of Heavy Metals by Nano-scale Particles |
PhD |
Sep 2002 |
Sep 2005 |
LAI Chun Kit, Keith |
Laboratory- and Field-Scale Study of Iron Reactive Barriers |
PhD |
Feb 2001 |
Jul 2004 |
FUNG Sau Long, Christopher |
Prototype/pilot-scale Study Photocatalytic Reactor System for Organic Degradation Using Magnetic Nanophotocatalysts Under Visible Light Irradiation |
MPhil |
Sep 2016 |
Aug 2018 |
YU Zhigang, Aaron |
Environmental Behaviors of Arsenic-loaded Zero-Valent Iron Nanoparticles in Subsurface Systems |
MPhil |
Feb 2017 |
Aug 2018 |
CHENG Ying Kai, Jack |
Black Soldier Fly Bioconversion for Food Waste Recycling: Improved Residue Separation Method and Increased Larval Survival Rate |
MPhil |
Feb 2014 |
May 2016 |
KHAN, Musharib |
Heavy metals-laiden Wastewater Traetment by Magnetic Nano- and Microparticles Technology in Couple with Metal Recylcing and Particles Reuse |
MPhil |
Feb 2014 |
Dec 2015 |
LING Jiani, Jenny |
LCA of Construction Materials: Plywood |
MPhil |
Sep 2013 |
Aug 2015 |
TANG Yang, Ivan |
Solidification and Stabilization of Contaminated Sediment and Mud |
MPhil |
Sep 2013 |
Jan 2015 |
JING Ran, Raymond |
LCA of Construction Materials: Steel |
MPhil |
Sep 2012 |
Aug 2014 |
ZHANG Jiangliang, Judy |
Life Cycle Carbon Measurement of Hong Kong Construction Materials: Cement, Concrete and Plywood |
MPhil |
Sep 2011 |
Aug 2013 |
LAM Sze Chun, Chester |
Effects of Groundwater Geochemistry on Permeable Reactive Barriers |
MPhil |
Feb 2002 |
Aug 2004 |
QI Yinan |
Factors Affecting Inactivation Behavior and Haloacetic Acids (HAAs) Formation in Monochloramination Range |
MPhil |
Sep 2001 |
Jan 2003 |
ZHOU Wenwen, Shelley |
Geotechnical and Environmental Assessment of Sewage Sludge Disposal in Landfills |
MPhil |
Feb 1999 |
Jan 2001 |
LAI Chun Kit, Keith |
Effect of Salinity on the Dewatering Techniques of Biological Sludge |
MPhil |
Feb 1999 |
Dec 2000 |
TANG Chong I |
Leaching Behaviors and Binding Chemistry of Industrial Sludge by Solidification/Stabilization Techniques |
MPhil |
Sep 1997 |
May 1999 |
YANG Xiao-Yun |
New Composite Liners for Soil Contamination Prevention |
MPhil |
Sep 1997 |
May 1999 |
MAK Kwok Man, Raymond |
Feasibility Assessment of Using Modified Clay Materials for Solid/Hazardous Waste Disposal Landfills |
MPhil |
Sep 1993 |
Aug 1995 |
Pota Alok ASHWIN |
Computer Aided System for the Selection and Design of Treatment Technologies for Removing VOCs from Contaminated Water |
MPhil |
Sep 1993 |
Aug 1995 |
MPhil and PhD Research Students Supervision (In Progress)

Student name |
Research title |
Degree |
Start Date |
Expected Graduation Date |
CHEUNG Howard Yau Ming |
To be determined |
MPhil |
Sep 2024 |
Aug 2026 |
WU Qifan |
To be determined |
PhD |
Sep 2024 |
Aug 2028 |
ZHANG Jin, Kim |
Selective generation of Co(IV)=O in-situ on Co-doping MoS2@CC photoanode through photoelectrochemical activation of peroxymonosulfate for efficient antibiotic degradation |
PhD |
Sep 2023 |
Aug 2027 |
MAN Hoi Kit, Justin |
Photoelectrochemical activation of free chlorine for simultaneous PPCPs degradation and E. Coli disinfection: An integrative batch and continuous flow reactor study |
PhD |
Sep 2022 |
Dec 2026 |
DONG Taoran, Max |
A Low-carbon-emission Photoelectrochemical System using Ov-Fe2O3@BiVO4 Photoanode for Integrated Multiple Pollutant Removal and Energy Harvesting from Real Saline Sewage |
PhD |
Sep 2022 |
Dec 2026 |
ZHANG Yu, Ida |
Enhancement of Selective Phosphorus Removal and Adsorbent Regeneration in Semi-Fluidized Column Using La2(CO3)3-Loaded Anion-Exchange Resin |
PhD |
Sep 2022 |
Aug 2026 |
WANG Xiaoying, Linda |
Simultaneous PPCPs removal and E. coli disinfection by peracetic acid-based advanced oxidation processes in sewage |
PhD |
Sep 2021 |
Aug 2026 |
LUNG Cheuk Wai, William |
Simultaneous PPCPs degradation and E. coli disinfection by the solar light-driven advanced oxidation process in drinking water |
PhD |
Sep 2020 |
Aug 2025 |
Research Assistant Professor/Postdoctoral Fellows and Research Assistants Supervision

Name |
Project involved |
Position |
Period |
LIU, Fubin |
Upgrading saline wastewater treatment with electrochemical membrane system for simultaneous organics removal, disinfection, ammonia recovery, and high-value products generation |
Post-doc |
Aug 2024-Jan 2026 |
ZHENG Zexiao, Timmy |
Net-Zero Multifunctional photoelectrochemical system for treating high chlorine content of local sewage |
Mar 2024-Feb 2026 |
Subrata BISWAS |
Phosphate removal by La carbonate polymeric composite |
Post-doc |
Apr 2021-Aug 2021 |
DONG Chencheng, July |
Photo-Fenton Process |
Post-doc |
Aug 2019-Feb 2021 |
Ahmed SAEED |
Phosphate Removal from River Water |
Post-doc |
July 2019-June 2021 |
ZHANG Yanyang |
Phosphate Removal from River Water |
Post-doc |
Feb 2019-Feb 2020 |
LIU Fei |
Phosphate Removal from River Water |
Post-doc |
July 2019-Nov 2019 |
WAN Jun |
Phosphate Removal from Natural Waters using Magnetic Nanoparticles |
Post-doc |
Aug 2018-July 2019 |
XIONG Kun, Quentin |
Sewage Disinfection using Magnetically Separable Photocatalysts Activated by Visible Light |
Post-doc |
Jan 2019-Jun 2019 |
Rayees Ahmad RATHER |
Visible Light Driven Photocatalytic CO2 Reduction and Water Splitting by Z-scheme Photocatalysts |
Post-doc |
Nov 2017-Mar 2019 |
LAN Shenyu, Sharon |
Piezo-photo-catalysis of Hybrid Nanomaterials |
Post-doc |
Oct 2017-Apr 2019 |
ZENG Xiangkang, Max |
Sewage Disinfection using Magnetically Separable Photocatalysts Activated by Visible Light |
Post-doc |
Sep 2017-Oct 2018 |
ZHANG Weilan |
Environmental Implications of Arsenic-loaded Zero-valent Iron Nanoparticles in Soils and Groundwater |
Post-doc |
June 2017-Apr 2018 |
Rokhsareh AKBARZADEH |
Development of a Multi-functional Photocatalyst |
Post-doc |
Oct 2016-Oct 2017 |
GAN Jielong, Vincent |
Low Carbon Construction Materials and Buildings |
Post-doc |
Oct 2016-Jun 2017 |
Design and Development of Magnetically Functionalized Visible Light active Photocatalysts |
Post-doc |
Dec 2016-Apr 2017 |
FANG Liping |
Magnetic Nanoparticles for Phosphate Removal and Recovery |
Post-doc |
Nov 2015-May 2017 |
XIA Deihua, Dennis |
Magnetic Nanoparticles for POP Removal and Particles Regeneration |
Post-doc |
Mar 2015-Dec 2015 |
ZHENG Guanyu |
Sediment Bioremediation Enhancement |
Post-doc |
Oct 2011-Aug 2012 |
MAK, Mark |
Large-scale Study of Chemical-enhanced Washing for Shenzhen Sediment |
Post-doc |
Sep 2011-Aug 2012 |
YIN Ke, Ken |
Chromium Removal by Magnetic Hydrogel |
Post-doc |
Nov 2009-Nov 2010 |
RAO Pinhua, Paul |
Chromium Removal by Zero Valent Iron and Magnetic Hydrogel |
Post-doc |
Jul 2009-Oct 2009; Jul 2007-Sep 2008 |
WANG Peng, Peter |
As and Cr Removal using Mesoporous Iron-based Materials and their Recovery |
Post-doc |
Jul 2008-Jun 2009 |
TSANG Chiu Wa, Daniel |
Non-equilibrium Havey Metal Transport in Soils with High Organic Matters Content |
Post-doc |
Sep 2006-Jun 2007 |
HU Jing |
Inorganic and Organic Sorption by Activated Carbon and their Sorption Mechanisms |
Post-doc |
Nov 2005-May 2006 |
TONG S F, Agnes |
Gasification of Biomass and Municipal Solid Waste |
RA |
Jan 2005-Oct 2006 |
LIU M Y, Jess |
Waste Wood Derived Activated Carbon for Organic Removal |
RA |
Nov 2004-Mar 2006 |
LAI C K, Keith |
Reduction of Chlorinated Hydrocarbons by Zero-valent Iron |
Post-doc |
Aug 2004-Apr 2006 |
SHU Shanzhi |
Gasoline Migration in Saturated Soils using Geotechnical Centrifuge |
Post-doc |
Jul 2000-Jan 2001 |
HU Liming |
LNAPL Migration in Saturated Soils and Aquifer using Geotechnical Centrifuge |
Post-doc |
Jul 2000-Jun 2001 |
ZHANG Jianhong |
Accelerated Cadmium Migration in Unsaturated Soils |
Post-doc |
Aug 2000-Jul 2001 |
LEE Cheng-Hao, Samuel |
Sorption of Nonpolar and Polar Organics on Organically Modified Bentonite |
RA |
May 1995-Jun 1996 |
Course Taught

CIVL1100 Discovering Civil and Environmental Engineering (Environmental Session) (UG)
An overview of civil and environmental engineering, infrastructure development and engineering ethics is provided. The course includes lectures and laboratory sessions, where laboratory sessions are primarily directed to students who require the development of feasible conceptual solutions for the analysis and design of the basic problems in structural, environmental and geotechnical engineering.
CIVL 5450 Hazardous Waste Treatment and Site Remediation (PG)
Regulatory aspects of the handling and disposal of hazardous wastes, and innovative technologies for hazardous wastes treatment and contaminated soils such as bioremediation, and soil washing will be included.
CIVL 5460 Landfill Engineering and Design (PG)
Practical aspects of solid waste collection methods and equipment, current available disposal techniques with emphasis on complete engineering design of landfill systems, and landfill leachate treatment will be included.